When your long term disability claim (or short term) has been refused, there are a number of reasons why your first step should be to speak with an Ontario Disability Lawyer:

1) No Fees

We offer free legal consultations. There are no fees involved in getting a first opinion and seeing what choices you have in dealing with the disability benefits denial. Speak to us today to see how we can help you and understand your rights.

2) Have Experience On Your Side

You wouldn’t want to have surgery done by simply asking a friend to ‘give it a go’ or even trying it yourself, so why would you risk your disability benefits without having an experienced Ontario Disability Lawyer assist you or provide you with some legal advice.

3) They Don’t Get Paid Until You Do

If you choose to have our Ontario Disability Lawyers assist you in your claim for disability benefits, they will not ask for any up front payments for legal fees. They only get paid if and when you win. This means that you do not have to worry about gathering funds to pay for legal representation.

Call us today for a free consultation. There are no bad questions. (416) 931-2555.