Here are a few tips when dealing with your short or long term disability claim:

1) Speak to an Ontario disability lawyer as soon as possible.

It is important to understand your rights and options when dealing with a disability denial. Call us today for a free, no-obligations, legal consultation so that you have a better understanding of your options before choosing a course to take.

2) Keep your Doctor informed.

You need to be your own advocate. Your medical professional’s job is to give you the best possible medical care. Your health is the most important objective, and by keeping your doctor informed and seeing them regularly you will also likely comply with what is a very common provision within most long term disability policies that require ‘ongoing treatment’.

3) Do Not Simply Walk Away

If your disability benefits have been refused or discontinued, it is important to speak to a lawyer to review your rights. Too many Ontarians simply walk away from their disability policy without seeing whether they can get their benefits reinstated.

Call us today for a free consultation. In person or by phone: (416) 931-2555.